International Icon Painting competition in theme "Resurrection of Jesus Christ"

  • In 2018 I took part in the International Icon Painting competition on theme "The Resurrection of Jesus Christ" of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy (I.A.0.), Athens, Greece.  I painted a miniature Icon of The Resurrection of Jesus Christ (25,5x16,5cm)  for the competition.
  • 222 artists - icon painters from 19 countries applied for the contest. The judges chose 63 icon painters from 16 countries, including me, for the final.  In the summer 2018 the contest ended.
  • The relative Exhibition of all 63 finalists icon presented at the Byzantine and Christian Museum in Athens; in 2019 in Cyprus and after in Georgia.
  • At the end of competition, as representative of Latvia, one of the 63 icon painters - finalists from 16 countries, I have received the Invitation in the Icon Painting Symposium of the Interparliamentary Assembly of Orthodoxy in Cooperation with the Orthodoxy Academy of Crete (OAC) in April 2019.
  • During the Symposium, 14 selected artists, including me, participated in open master-classes and painted an icon, presented its own country.